What You Need to Know About the Feng Shui of Your Bathroom

By Candace Czarny, CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Feng Shui Expert

Your bathroom is a place that you will use everyday, no matter what. And while this room tends to be forgotten when it comes to Feng Shui, it’s often one of the more energetically challenged rooms of a home. As it already has water energy which can not be removed, this becomes a place where energy can drop or be deflected in the wrong ways. Ignoring this most important room can be the root of many Feng Shui problems. If you feel that you can’t get ahead financially, there are always emotional issues in the home and life or you physically feel drained it’s take to take a good look at your bathrooms. Here’s what you need to know about using Feng Shui in your bathroom.

No Good Place for a Bathroom

Unless you’ve built your home with Feng Shui ideas in mind, it’s likely that your bathroom is in a bad place, energetically speaking. If it’s adjacent to or above your kitchen, it’s going to take away the fire energy of that room with the water energy and create a lot of steam in your life.

If the bathroom is adjacent to a bedroom, that drains life force energy from that area. And if the bathroom is above the front door, that can drain energy away. A bathroom in the center of a home? That’s even worse as this causes the health area to be impacted every day by all that occurs in a bathroom.

Cleanliness Adds Good Energy

But there are always Feng Shui fixes you can use to help your bathroom energy be more stable and attractive. First of all, you always want to keep your bathroom clean. Any dirt or clutter is going to further hinder the flow of energy in the space and affect the other spaces the bathroom might touch. Make sure to give the bathroom a good cleaning once a week, but more often if you have children or make a mess. Cleaning every surface will not only promote health, but it will also ensure that you are keeping the energy moving.

Add Warmth to the Space

Since the bathroom tends to be a cold place, you need to add warmth to it and thus add warmth to the energy of the space. Begin by adding warm colors to the room so as to counteract the water energy. You will want to avoid an all white bathroom, for example, and focus more on pastel colors that promote a soothing energy, while still adding brightness. Make sure the bathroom is always well lit when you are using it.

It can also help to keep the door closed in order to keep the water energy of the bathroom from upsetting the rest of the home. While you might not be able to do much with the placement of this room, the bathroom can become a positive energy with these simple adjustments.

Above all make sure that you keep the toilet seat down when not in use and keep the bathroom door closed at ALL times!

About the Author: Candace Czarny, ASID, CFM, LEED AP, “Award Winning” Interior Designer, Feng Shui Expert & Author of 20 Minute Feng Shui is continually ranked “Top 10” in Google and Yahoo. Clients testify of dramatic results!

Source: www.isnare.com

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