
What is Mindfulness

A spiritual faculty which is considered to be of great importance and which will lead to the path of enlightenment is called mindfulness. It is based on the teaching of the Buddha. It is also described as attentive awareness of the reality of things and is an antidote to delusion and is also considered as such power. Being on the seven factors of enlightenment , “correct” or “right” mindfulness is the seventh element of noble eightfold path. Buddha wanted everyone to establish mindfulness on everyone’s daily life. He preached that all should maintain as much as possible a calm awareness of one’s bodily function, sensation(feelings), objects of consciousness( thoughts and perceptions), and consciousness itself.

Mindfulness is paying attention “on purpose”, involving a conscious direction of our awareness. You should be totally aware of yourself, in order to be mindful and it should not be vague. For example, knowing that you’re breathing is not the same as breathing mindfully. When you are aware of breathing, you become aware of the process of breathing right from respiration till expiration. And when you become aware that your mind wanders, you almost immediately switch and pay attention to breathing. Purposefulness is really important part of mindfulness. If there is no conscious attempt to bring our attention to the act we are currently doing, then the mind wanders in an unrestricted way and therefore there is no purposefulness.

The basic goal of mindfulness is to increase your baseline of clarity and balance through the entire day and not to achieve a short state of balance and clarity. A temporary state in consciousness is not the purpose of mindfulness but it should involve the development of certain abiding traits inconsciousness.

Mindfulness will help to be free from suffering which arises due to physical discomfort, any kind of emotional discomfort also. Mindfulness will help to derive great fulfilment from physical pleasure. It would help to dispel habitual behaviours that have negative consequences like substance abuse, food behaviours, expressions of emotion that are inappropriate in kind or intensity , delay and so on. Mindfulness will help to understand oneself profoundly and it will help us realise the reason and purpose of our existence. Mindfulness will help each and every one to happily serve our fellow beings. Mindfulness will eventually help in the proper functioning of society and its people and their behavioural pattern and habits. Moreover, mindfulness dramatically increases the concentration ability.