Perfectly Balanced Feng Shui

By Maggie Z. Mathews

When it comes to the very principles of Feng Shui – Qi the life force flows like a river through all bodies and all cultures throughout our universe.

Many if not most cultures pervade that a universal energy – some times called Qi or Chi flows constantly everywhere. Whether it Qi (Chi) in India or Ki in Japan, prana or pranha in India it is all the same. This energy medium of chi flows throughout the universe and the earth just in the same way that it flows throughout the human body, and changes made by nature or humankind will vary its very course. Just as acupuncture, chakra balancing and shiatsu massage can adjust the flow of energy in the body, so can feng shui adjust the flow of energy around us.

Feng Shui literally means (the flow) of “wind” and “water”. The wind disperses the invisible life energy and the water contains it. When you practice feng shui you attract and cultivate positive energy or sheng qi (shung chi) and dispel or eliminate negative energy or sha 1i (shar chi)

Positive sheng qo meanders gently along curved lines while negative sha qo strikes quickly in straight lines. For the qi to be beneficial and nourishing, you need to keep it flowing – not too quickly and not too slowly. Sheng qi comes from nature while corners. Known as “secret arrows” generate sha qi.

Qi should be encouraged to enter a dwelling and its garden and to flow freely and slowly throughout the space. If it is blocked, it will become stagnant and destructive.

In heaven there is tien qi ( nian chi) or heaven qi , on earth there is ren qi ( rem chi) or human chi. Heaven qi is made up of all the forces that heavenly bodies exert on earth such as sun and rain. Earth qi is affected by heaven qi – too much rain will cause flooding, too little will cause plants to die- and then within the earth qi , each person has his or her own qi. The aim of feng shui is to keep harmony and balance between heaven, earth and human qi.

Feng Shui is also referred to as the study of the way of heaven and earth in relation to human. It can also help us choose a way of life and a place to live that is in harmony with our ren tao (rem dao) or the way of being human. The Chinese call this relations san cai (san chie) or the three gifts.

The Chinese believe that everything that exists has qi, and in turn, everything that has qi has yin (passive, masculine) qualities. Yin and Yang are opposites and complementary – one cannot exist without the other. Night does not exist without day, winter without summer nor shadow without sun. Similarly, each quality contains some of the opposites.

When you feel warm, positive and good about a place the Chinese would say that it good Feng Shui because the Yin and Yang are perfectly balanced. Feng Shui.

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