More Feng Shui Tips

By Lily Sarmiento

Are you tired of being unlucky? Exhausted of getting into bad relationships? Still waiting for the right opportunity to go your way? Do you want changes in your life? Well then you might just get what you are looking for. So read on!

In order for one to have a healthier and happier life, some believe in the art and science of Feng Shui; wherein one must rearrange furniture which symbolically would mean something either good or bad in your life. The mastery of Feng Shui basically works on the objective of the person. It does not matter what god you worship or what you believe in. Feng Shui focuses on one’s intention and how that person wants changes in his or her life.

It is said that, for one to attain Chi, one must change the way you treat your home. A home is not simply a mere structure that you go home to from work and sleep at. It is more than just a place where you want to waste time entertaining people through social gatherings. It should serve as your own personal temple where you feel secured and safe. A home is where you should feel relaxed and at peace. It should function as a place for interaction wherein one can build a better relationship with another. Thus, a home should be one’s comfort zone whereas symbolically you place personal things or sentimental home d