Introducing Feng Shui To Your Bedroom

By Leigh A. Matelas

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice which uses the laws of Heaven and Earth to help improve one’s life by receiving positive Chi (or Qi). Chi is a life force or spiritual energy that is part of every living thing.

In addition, the Chinese Yin and Yang symbol represents the two primal cosmic forces in the universe. Yin (the moon) is a cold, receptive, feminine force, while Yang (the sun) is masculine and is associated with force, movement and heat.

Feng Shui schools teach that objects in your home such as furniture should be placed in a certain way to achieve harmony with your environment and have a positive effect on your health, wealth and personal relationships.

Arranging your bedroom furniture according to Feng Shui

The bedroom is one of the most important considerations when it comes to Feng Shui. We spend almost a third of our lives in our bedroom and it should be an environment that makes us feel safe, secure and relaxed. Family rooms, kitchens and playrooms are active spaces associated with the Yang force, while bedrooms need to be more Yin and relaxing.

Your main bedroom should be situated as far away from the front door as possible to give you a feeling of protection, stability and security. If there is an adjacent toilet or bathroom, the door to it should be closed while you are asleep. Any sharp edges such as the edges of bedroom furniture should be rounded off or softened by covering them. Computers, radios, televisions and even mobile phone chargers should be positioned as far away from where you sleep as possible to avoid disturbance from electrical currents.

The South West section of your bedroom is said to relate to your relationships, so you should avoid putting your dirty linen basket here! Instead place a photograph of you and your partner or a symbol of your happiness on the wall in this area. You can create a warm, romantic atmosphere in your bedroom through the use of soft lighting or candlelight.

How you decorate your bedroom is of course down to personal taste, but there are some Feng Shui guidelines on colour. Green is a good choice, as it can have a calming effect, while blue is relaxing but a little too cool. Yellow stimulates the mind, which sounds good but might also keep you awake at night. Red and pink encourage romance and passion, though an excess of red can bring too much fire (Yang) into the room. And beware of peach, which is said to encourage affairs!

Positioning your bed

The most important feature of your bedroom is the bed itself. The bed should be placed as far from the door as possible, and certainly not directly opposite, but you should still have a good view of the door from your bed. Make sure the bed is stable, as this is thought to bring stability into your life. The bed needs a strong headboard to protect your Chi while you sleep, and you should not sleep with your head facing an open window, as this will drain away your Chi. Sleeping on the floor is not advisable either, as this does not allow Chi to circulate below you.

The gap between your mattress and the floor should be free of clutter and, unfortunately for most of us, under-the-bed storage units are not recommended! Apparently they can disturb your sleep and limit the ability of the Yin force to re-charge you while you sleep. In the same way avoid anything placed above the bed, such as shelves or wooden beams – but sleeping under a skylight allows your Chi to dissipate while you sleep.

Mattresses and Feng Shui

Mattresses are believed to absorb Chi, so you should avoid purchasing a second hand mattress in case it contains negative energy or belonged to someone who has died. Mattresses need to be replaced regularly, turned regularly and placed in the sunshine for a few hours every few months. When choosing a mattress you should consider not only its size, but also the materials and elements from which it is made. Beds that contain too much water or metal, for example, can upset the balance of energy in your bedroom and cause problems in your life.

It makes sense that you will need to choose a mattress that fits into the space you have created for your bed. However, according to Feng Shui you should also consider how many people are to sleep on the mattress and what they are seeking in life. Single people who wish to remain single, for example can choose a small-sized mattress, but if you are looking for a partner you should opt for something larger, not just for practical reasons, but in order to create the energy necessary to draw another person into your life. Conversely if you are part of a couple, choosing a mattress that is too large for your needs is thought to create problems in your relationship!

A spring mattress with metal coils is best avoided as the metallic coils are conductive and will increase the electromagnetic field in your bedroom, which can be detrimental in terms of creating positive energy. However, if you choose a pocket-sprung mattress in which the coils are wrapped individually, the conductive effect will be reduced. Waterbeds are another option, but in Feng Shui terms these are also not balanced in their elemental qualities, which can lead to energetic disruptions. Water also conducts electricity, which can affect the electromagnetic energy that is already present in the environment.

For some people, Feng Shui is the guiding principle by which they arrange their home and life, while others are more sceptical. Whatever your views on Feng Shui, commonsense ideas such as keeping your bedroom clutter-free and creating a harmonious atmosphere with light and colour will help make your bedroom a relaxing and pleasant environment to sleep in.

About the Author: Leigh A. Matelas is a freelance writer living in the UK. She regularly contributes articles for Taurus Beds, a leading Bed Shop in London.


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