Feng Shui Your Wealth Vase

By Shaun Z. Stevens

Feng Shui offers many ways to enhance and protect wealth. Fountains, front door enhancements and front door enhancements are all ways that Feng Shui is used to improve your financial outlook. But did you also that there is one particular item that can also create wonderful prosperity and energy in your home? It is called a wealth vase.

Wealth vases take their cues from the family rice jar. In China rice jars are kept in each family’s home as a symbol of accumulated wealth. They are mostly full to represent the family’s wealth but with a little room at op to represent the ability to add more. It is a wonderful representation. You can do the same thing at your hone for your family.

The wealth vase is also something many Chinese families do for themselves and then pass on to succeeding generations. So in addition to the benefits they can bring to you right now, these vases represent future growth for your descendants. There is no limit to the number of vases that you can have. Therefore as you earn more and grow more prosperous. Continue making your wealth vases and include better, more expensive and precious items for each subsequent vase that you create.

When selecting a wealth vase, do follow these things in mind

First select a vase that appeals to you and make sure that it is something regal and attractive that it has a cover. If there is no cover that is still fine. A vase with beautiful symbols, such as dragons, fruits trees etc) on it that you like is very nice.

Next a wealth vase should be hidden and not displayed to just anyone to see.

Lastly the wealth vase should be filled with auspicious ingredients.

What are the instructions for making your wealth vase? B e aware that you are making your vase and shift your awareness to you intention for creating the vase. To guarantee and protect wealth for your family keep this awareness in mind whole you are creating your vase.

You should select a vase with the correct shape. Make sure that your vase is wide ant the bottom and narrow ant the top to symbolize wealth accumulating but not too easily escaping.

You may well what ingredients to add to your case/ first add coins and bills in a red envelope to symbolize money given to charity. Next add ten round crystal balls or marbles to symbolize a smooth easy life. It is always a good idea to add a cloth filled with precious and semi precious stones that are tied at the top with a red ribbon or thread.

As well add five types of food items in a small plastic bag. Examples of the good items preferred are rice, wheat, beans, barley and quinoa. To fins place a cloth filled with gold jewelry, coins or other precious items tied wit red ribbons.

Now is the time to place the “secret ingredients” in the vase. Special “Secret Ingredients “make wealth vase extras special, it takes a bit more time and effort.

The results are will be more than worth it. Remember you can always add these items later in time or your budget do not allow.

What should you consider for your special items? Money form nine countries is a start. This will symbolize wealth and riches from many sources. Diversification so to speak. If you can take a packet of dirt from a rich or powerful person’s or authorities home. This dir should never be stolen. It must be obtained willingly from the owner. Remember it never hurts to ask.

Further see if you can ad money from a very rich or favored person. A lottery winner is even better. Again this must be obtained willingly form the source. In addition you can add other assets you wish as desire for – such as a larger home, a summer cottage or an SUV vehicle. If you can finish the process with a photo or picture of wealthy or powerful people that you admire greatly.

It’s all been done and prepared now. Seal your vase with an open cover of five pieces of cloth large enough to cover the mouth of the vase and go down the sides just a touch. These cloths should be in the following colors: red, blue. , yellow red and white. The colors should be bright and crisp or “clear “and not muddy or a dark color. Next take some cording or ribbon in the same floors and braid them together. Holding the cloth firmly, tie the cording around the neck of the vase.

Lastly and most importantly hide your wealth vase. Now that your wealth vase is complete, hide it in a cupboard or closet in your bedroom or living room.

About the Author: Shaun Z. Stevens http://www.bayareaword.com http://www.fishlakemanitobanarrows.com http://www.aceemploymentservices.net

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=155823&ca=Home+Management

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