Feng Shui Your New Years Resolutions

By Margaret S. Mathews

Every New Year brings opportunities for change and improvement for the better of yourself and your family. Feng Shui. Evaluation, analysis and improvement are the watchwords towards blocks in your path.

All lives have blocks in their paths. The key in feng shui is to find the areas where you are being blocked. Unblock and unlock those areas so that your life can proceed in a positive fruitful manner. Life will take on a new meaning and flow. Life will begin to flow smoothly. For most people feng shui holds important information on how to remove these blocks and enhance the energy within their lives and homes so that you can improve your life’s circumstances.

Because people are very similar, we also face similar challenges. For some finances are a big concern , while for others it is relationships that elude or frustrate them and yet for others matters of health are their major concern and tantamount. Whatever your frustration, there is a feng shui remedy or answer to life’s most common – and challenging problems.

Always begin with the most standard and common blocks to successful living. What might be causing these blocks in your path of life? Next work to remove these blocks and thus improve the quality of your life and the positive contributions that your can make to your family, home life and workplace. Feng Shui.

The following areas of concern may be standing in the way of your financial wealth.

What could be standing UN your way of creating more prosperity or having more to spend or save?

First of all check your front entrance to your home. Is the front door pinched and narrow? Are there dead plants at your front or rear doors to your home? Is their a tree in line with your front door? What about your actual purse or wallet? Is it messy or disorganized? Is it full of old outdated receipts, papers and documents? Clear away past disturbances affecting your current and future life. In the same way prune your financial files of old and unnecessary papers. Ensure that the south east corners of your home – the wealth corner is not devoid of support. Add a living enhancer – such as an aquarium, terrarium or even a simple live plant.

Next step for the New Year clear away the blocks in your relationships with others. Clear away photos and mementos of old relationships from which you have moved on.

This includes of course not only photographs and drawing but old love letters and notes and unwanted gifts or other items.

It is the time of year to plan to be helpful to others in your life. Open yourself to others positively. Are there overgrown shrubs limiting your view of yourself to other potential friends in your life? Is your car so messy that is will give others the wrong impression about you? Is their pile of paper at your home or workplace that needs cleaning? Similarly are there broken items littering your direct environment.

Lastly to ensure a prosperous New Year for both yourself and people you wish to include in your relationships finish final cleaning during the first month of the New Year.

Write positive wishes for the New Year. Lastly purchase bright flowers to adorn the entrance to your home. Feng Shui.

About the Author: Margaret Mathews

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=116568&ca=Home+Management

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