Category: Tips

Mindfulness Meditation by Jon Kabat Zinn

By Ben Sanderson One thing that many people have in common is the fact that they’ve been told to live in the future rather than the moment. You’ve more than likely heard it growing up: “Look ahead! Plan for the future! Know what you want!” Okay, knowing what you want might be a good idea, but if you ever find yourself planning conversations with people in your mind rather than actually having the conversation with them, you might have a bit of a problem

Good Feng Shui Begets Better Feng Shui

By Amy U. Goodmann Some people seem to have everything going in their way

Feng Shui Beginners: How to Use Feng Shui to Enhance Your Luck

By Lynn Lee Feng Shui is not a dish best served warm with some oyster sauce. It is the art of tuning you in with Mother Nature, so that she may notice you, stroke your head gently and impart upon you all of nature’s secret energies of wisdom, love, power, luck and wealth. People all over the world, including Chinese people have turned into the more antiquated recesses of history and have been using feng shui to enhance their prosperity and ensure their longevity.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is stress reduction and relaxation technique which promotes healing. It is Japanese technique. It is a technique which involves “laying on hands” and it relies on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through our body and it keeps us alive and is the cause us to be alive. Reduction in one’s […]


What is Mindfulness

A spiritual faculty which is considered to be of great importance and which will lead to the path of enlightenment is called mindfulness. It is based on the teaching of the Buddha. It is also described as attentive awareness of the reality of things and is an antidote to delusion and is also considered as […]

feng shui

How to practice feng shui

Feng shui is a Chinese system of geomancy which involves the laws of both heaven and earth to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. Feng shui literally means “wind-water” in English. Feng shui is widely used to orient buildings mostly spiritually significant structures like tombs, also other dwellings and structures in an auspicious […]


A quick guide to meditation

Meditation refers to any kind of practices in which a person trains their mind and self-induces a mode of consciousness to benefit them and find the inner peace within them. Meditation will give every person positive and peaceful thoughts in a world where peace is very little. Meditation is an inwardly oriented, personal practice, which […]